How To Download Wicked Whims Animations


Wicked Whims is an online mod platform with thousands of mods and animations for Sims 4 to make the gameplay even better by adding news animations based on different sceneries. Some mods also give a touch of attractiveness to scenes but you can turn this feature off anytime you want from the settings section.

download Wicked Whims Animations

Most Wicked Whims mods and animations are compatible with every available version of The Sims 4 simulator and the site shows all the mods based on categories. Developers of these mods have also released a legacy version of all mods for installation in the Sims 4 Legacy Edition. 

Guide to download Wicked Whims animations

This step-by-step has everything that you need to know to correctly download and install animations but you forget to follow any crucial step, you may get an error message at the start of the game or the game won’t even start. You can download mod files from a third-party website and you need these mods to install more animations to the game.  

Download Mods 

  • Enable mods from the game options menu 
  • Search “Wicked Whims animations download” on your internet browser
  • Click on the first link to view available mods on the official Wicked Whims website
  • Tap on the desired mod file to view detailed information about it
  • Tap on “ITCH.IO or NEXUS” to download the file
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on the “Download button”
  •  Open the “Download folder” to view the recently downloaded mod 
  • Unzip the mod file using WinRAR
  • Move the “Wicked Whims Mod” folder to the mod folder in the game directory to install the mod
  • Play the game and enjoy the mod without any problem

Download Animations 

  • Go to the Official Wicked Whims website and access the download section 
  • Tap on the desired animation to go to the download page
  • Read information about the animation and view images before downloading it
  • Login to your account to download the animation file
  • Unzip the downloaded file and move it to the animation folder of your game directory
  • Start the game to enjoy a scene with updated graphics

Errors and how to fix them

There is a chance that the game won’t find the mod if you directly unpack the whole mod file in the game directory. Put only the much-needed mod file and don’t put too many files in the mod folder as it can stop the game from running correctly. You should update all the installed mods right on time as outdated mods can completely ruin your game in no time. All zip files and archives should be extracted to run the mod. 

Remove old mod files before adding new mod files because if you overwrite existing files with new files, you may also remove some required files for the new mod. The game will automatically disable all the installed mods on each update and you need to manually enable them from the game options menu.


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